As a small business owner, mother of four children, and president of the Pleasant Valley Community School Board, Chris Cournoyer is passionate about strengthening our economy, our schools, and our communities.
Chris has a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from the University of Texas (1992).
Job History:
Chris served as Senior Consultant in the Technology Division at Andersen Consulting, serving in the Ecommerce Community of Practice. Currently, Chris is a self-employed website designer and developer.
Volunteer Experience:
- Current President of the Pleasant Valley School Board
- Reserve Deputy, Scott County Sheriff's Department, 2016 - Present
- Junior League of the Quad Cities, Advocacy Committee and Social Media Chair
- Appointed by Governor Terry Branstad to the Southeast Iowa STEM Advisory Board to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in our region and across the state, 2014 - Present
- Member, North Scott Rotary Club, Group Study Exchange Participant to Bavaria, Germany in 1996
- Cub Scout Pack 88 Den Leader; Executive Board Member 2004-2006
- President, Quad City Engineering & Science Council 2016-Present, Executive Board, Communications Chair 2014-Present
- LeClaire Community Library President: Friends of the LeClaire Community Library 2011-Present and Board Member/Secretary: 2004-2006
- Mentor for Iowa Girls Code, a team of PVHS girls interested in Computer Science, 2016-17; facilitated "Hour of Code" for over 500 elementary students to learn about computer programming
- Helped organize the PV Trapshooting team in 2014
- Coach for the First Lego League (FLL) Robotics, 2010-2012
- Pleasant Valley Junior High School: PTA President 2012-2014
- LeClaire Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Secretary, Membership Chairperson, Newsletter Committee, Outstanding Volunteer Award - 2005; Outstanding Recruitment Award - 2004 and 2005; Webmaster through 2013
- Volunteer Basketball, baseball and soccer coach
Paid for by Cournoyer for Senate